40 Days for Life

To the people praying outside of the abortion clinic: you saved my son’s life

Liz (Story submitted to SavetheStorks.com)

Prayer Changes Things. We provide opportunities for Christians to come together to pray for an end to abortion in our community through 40 Days for Life campaigns in the Spring and Fall. Abortion is the leading cause of death in the world and in our nation. But you can be a part of the solution! To learn more about the next campaign and to sign up for vigil hours, visit: www.40daysforlife.com/memphis Our next campaign begins February 14th, 2024! Sponsor a Day of the Campaign Local churches can agree to sponsor a day of the campaign and make sure 6:00 AM-6:00 PM is covered by two people for their chosen day of the campaign. For more information, email Jessie at info@memphiscoalitionforlife.org


Updated 5/28/18
Pledge of Integrity

Pledge of Integrity

Updated 5/28/18

Memphis Coalition for Life--Pledge of Integrity:

  • I testify that I will only pursue peaceful, prayerful and law-abiding solutions to the violence of abortion when volunteering for the Coalition for Life
  • I will show compassion and reflect Christ’s love to all employees, volunteers, customers, and supporters of “Planned Parenthood Greater Memphis Region”
  • I understand that acting in a violent, harmful, or threatening manner immediately and completely disassociates me from the Coalition for Life
  • I am in no way associated with “Planned Parenthood Greater Memphis Region,” “Choices: Memphis Center for Reproductive Health,” either of their affiliates, or any abortion provider or abortion-rights organization.
  • I will not break the law. With guidance from the Coalition for Life, I will take responsibility to know what the laws are regarding peaceful prayer so that I will be well-informed about what is legal and what is not.
  • I will not trespass onto private property. I will not cross the property line of the abortion facility in any way.
  • I will not obstruct the driveways or sidewalk while standing in the public right-of-way, nor block the visibility of a car entering or leaving the abortion facility.
  • I will not attach or post anything to city signs or poles, nor the property of the abortion facility.
  • I will not litter on the public right-of-way.
  • If faced with a violent situation instigated by the abortion facility workers or a client, I will not return violence with violence. I will pray and report the incident to Law Enforcement and the Coalition for Life.
  • If faced with violence or derogatory language from passers-by, I will not return violence or derogatory language or gestures.
  • I will do my very best to speak the truth in love and mercy.
  • I will always obey the instructions of Law Enforcement. If I feel that an officer is misinterpreting the law, I will obey his/her instructions and then ask the Coalition for Life to follow up through proper channels.
  • I will respect the image and likeness of God in every in every person and likewise all His creation.
  • I will see Jesus in the face of every person, including those seeking abortion, promoting abortion, enabling abortion, after abortion, and abortion clinic staff, and treat them accordingly.
Vigil volunteers will be praying at 2430 Poplar Avenue. When you arrive, park on Williford Avenue which runs parallel between Planned Parenthood and Life Choices, and stand at the corner of Poplar and Willford. Be careful not to block either driveway or to step onto the abortion-referral center's property. We ask that you would pray in this location at the corner in order to leave other areas of the sidewalk available for our trained sidewalk advocates who are reaching out to the clients of the abortion-referral center. If needed, you may use the restroom at next door at 2400 Poplar on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th floor.